Qualities I've found helpful on my UX Journey
So far, so good – a good dose of these traits may do your journey a world of good too.
What virtues are needed to sustain a lifetime journey? It's a marathon and not a sprint. The uncertainties along the way require creativity and an ability to improvise and adapt. If you're nimble enough, it may be smoother than expected.
Once I'd taken the first step over the starting line, there's been springs of surprises along the way. Thankfully, I armed myself with the right mindset from the onset that uncertainties are a constant. No one is truly prepared enough. On my journey, I've found that initial acceleration is not good enough. What matters is the ability to keep moving, whether the journey is a few kilometers or thousands of miles.
With the benefit of hindsight, I've compiled a (non-exhaustive) list of traits and virtues that's been helpful in the first three years of my journey. My journey is unique, and these attributes may not be the same or work for you. Also, I'm in the early stages of my career. These virtues may be different for someone who’s already at the summit or twilight of their career.
With that said, will ya come with me? My car is parked by a resort, and I'm in the back seat chilling, reflecting, and taking stock of my journey so far.
Gut feelings
I'd always known there was something in a tech and writing career for me. I mentioned in a previous post how I was fascinated by the computer and emerging technologies and would spend hours reading about phones on GSMArena. I also loved to do imaginative writing. These all started in 2008 but didn't come together until 2019. But I kept at it until the conditions were right. I took a design class, learned some front-end development, and started doing copywriting.
Did I doubt my feelings? Yes. Did I back out? No. I researched career prospects, built a network of friends, and followed industry thought leaders. I ensured I put myself in the right frame of mind. If anything, I was obsessed. And my obsession eventually led me to become a UX Writer. Has the journey been smooth? No, but I'm loving the ride.
I know patience is hard to come by today. Technology has shortened our attention span and brought many distractions. It’s also made peer pressure almost unavoidable. It's hard to stay cool, calm, and composed when constantly under duress and things are not working out, especially when what calls the shot is outside your control.
I remember waiting for months to get a gig and having to keep life together all the same. So much uncertainty and so little chance to wait. It's like you're set up to fail — the circumstances are so against success and progress. But in the midst of it all, patience is still a virtue, and it's been a lifesaver for me numerous times. I'll stick with it.
It's not all about patience because while you're waiting, there's so much to learn. Yet, erratic learning is no learning. It's a game of consistency. Initially, I consumed any resources I could lay my hands on without considering whether they were helpful. I just wanted to keep my foot on the pedal. Luckily, it paid off. With time, I singled out viable resources that aid learning, development, and career progress.
I found the Content + UX community and started listening to podcasts like Writers in Tech, Writers of Silicon Valley, and The Content Strategy Podcast. I followed industry experts like Jared Spool, who has given the most convincing explanation of the evolution of UX writing. I read UX blogs like Built for Mars and Growth.Design and books from Don Norman’s The Design of Everyday Things to Torrey Podmajersky’s Strategic Writing for UX. All these kept me consistent. What a healthy dose of content!
Seeking help
I couldn’t go far without some form of help. There have been times my 'car' broke down and needed a 'mechanic'; other times, I ran out of ‘fuel’. I’ve been vulnerable, but I'm lucky because I didn’t have fair-weather friends; they’ve stuck around all season.
There’s also an invisible help with a visible impact from God. If you believe in God, you already get the message. If not, I’m not sure I have an answer.
So that's it for now. It's not an exhaustive list, but it does a good job of painting the true picture. As the year winds down, I’m taking some time to reflect as I plan for a new year. I hope you also do so this holiday.
Thank you for hanging around. It's been an eventful year. Until 2023, keep being awesome. 💕