Hi, I’m Olaolu from Nigeria.

I write A UX Writer’s Journey to know where I once was, where I am, and where I hope to be.

To achieve my goal, I'll share my thoughts and experiences about:

  • The highs and lows of my journey

  • The ins and outs of UX writing

  • Working solo or in a multidisciplinary design team

  • UX writing process of works I did

I hope to learn, unlearn, and relearn. By sharing my opinions, I seek to learn from others and grow so I can make better decisions that affect (positively) how users experience products I work on.

I'd love to have you journey with me, it's going to be worth it. You in?

I'm in

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I write about my UX writing journey to know where I was, I am, and hope to be.


I share thoughts and experiences about my UX journey to learn from the past and apply to the present so I can build a great future.